ASAP Tuningfiles develops modified software for all master tools that apply their own checksum correction. This means that the software provided by ASAP Tuningfiles are files WITHOUT checksum. This is also no longer necessary with modern tools, which automatically apply this correction.
In the tuning industry, many suppliers sell Slave tools, which are much cheaper when purchased. But you are then always linked to the company you buy the tool from because your “Slave” reads out compressed software that you cannot open yourself. You can only do that with the Master tool your supplier has! This tool is not called “Slave” tool for nothing.
We work with the best tools worldwide, these include:
Then you can also use our reseller database, saving you a lot of time.
Should you wish to become a dealer, we can advise you on which chiptuning tools you should purchase.
In our WinOLS reseller database, you have the advantage that we always charge 10 credits for our files, even if we have already adjusted EGR, DPF or Vmax.
For more information, please contact our helpdesk, they are ready to help you.