CMD-Flash Tools

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CMD-flash tools

CMD Flashtec is originally from Italy but for a few years now they have been based in Switzerland.
From our point of view, CMD is definitely one of the most reliable tools on the market. Has many updates and an extensive vehicle list.Is also very user-friendly, for both OBD, Bench, BDM and Boot tricore. Only the support is really a minus and really costs them customers. And change they don’t do. ASAP thinks starting chiptuners would be better off choosing Autouner.
Especially starting chiptuners need support. Especially when in doubt, you need to be able to fall back on help. And you want that quickly. This is because mistakes immediately cost thousands of euros. And these problems cannot be solved quickly either. We also think that the first year is crucial for a starting chiptuner.
But for experienced chiptuners, we say CMD-Flash is an absolute “must” for the professional car tuner. They also have a team of technicians for support. There are regular updates that you can easily install. If you haven’t bought a tool yet, and are already experienced with programming, this is a good chiptuning tool.

Staying out of trouble keeps chiptuning a lot more fun. And definitely good for self-confidence, because thinking about problems gets you into trouble. And in chiptuning, there are no such things as cheap problems. But we at ASAP can certainly support you in this. It’s often simple things you don’t know because you’ve never done them before. For everything, there is a first time.

More info  CMD Flashtec.

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