Tuning Packages

Guaranteed the cheapest

35.000+ chiptuningfiles

Finished and delivered in no time

100% customer satisfaction

Tuning Packages ASAP

You can choose from several tuning packages at ASAP.

  • package 1 10 credits for €65.00
  • package 2 100 credits for €600
  • package 3 500 credits for €2800.00


  • Chiptuning file = 10 credits
  • Chiptuning file + EGR off = 15 credits
  • Chiptuning file + DPF off = 15 credits
  • Chiptuning file + DPF off + EGR off = 20 credits


You can also choose you car directly with the car configurator. Then you don’t need any credits either. So you don’t need to buy a tuning package. This makes buying a tuning file a lot easier. Quick and easy, at ASAP we like that.If you still have questions about the packages, feel free to contact us.


Our advice, always buy a master tool!

In the tuning industry, many suppliers sell Slave tools, which are much cheaper when purchased. But you are then always linked to the company you buy the tool from because your “Slave” reads out compressed software that you cannot open yourself. You can only do that with the Master tool your supplier has! This tool is not called “Slave” tool for nothing.

Advantage master tool:

Wij werken met de beste tools wereldwijd, dit zijn onder andere:

Bent u ook gebruiker van WinOLS software?

Dan kunt u ook gebruik maken van onze reseller database, dit bespaart u veel tijd.

Mocht u dealer willen worden kunnen wij u adviseren met het maken van een keuze voor welke
chiptuning tools u zou moeten aanschaffen.

In onze reseller database van WinOLS geniet u het voordeel dat wij altijd 10 credits hanteren voor onze files, ook als wij daarbij EGR, DPF of Vmax al aangepast hebben.

Voor eventueel meer info contacteer onze helpdesk, zij staan klaar om u verder te helpen.

Why ASAP-Chiptuningfiles?

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